Kākou Hawaii CAN.
When our friends at Destination Residences Hawaii contacted us about co-branding a shirt for the upcoming Charity Walk on Maui, we were blown away. This is a best in breed Hospitality Company, with an amazing commitment to community. To quote their about page, “We are building a brand to inspire how those around us feel.” Not only are they intent on raising money to support Maui and Hawaii, they want to inspire others to join in, and to experience the positive vibes of working together to help others. Many of their employees will be walking in the Charity Walk with Maui and Kākou in mind.
KaKou - Kākou is the Hawaiian value of inclusiveness. It means “all of us” and “we are in this together.” Kākou is very unifying when applied to language, and all are taught to learn, speak, and practice “the language of we.”
- Battling "can’t" and "no can" worldwide. Believe in the Spirit of
SpiritofCAN.com “It’s not question, we #CANperiod.”
The Charity WALK is inspired by the Visitor Industry (Hawaii Tourism). Since its inception in 1978, over $32 million has been raised and helped hundreds of local charities throughout the State. See details and links at end of blog.
Kukui leaf which is used in a lot of the Destination Residences Hawaii branding. It’s also the leaf from the Official State Tree of Hawaii.
In working with Destination Residences Hawaii on a design, the following requests were made:
Another element that DRH Requested is the Kukui Leaf which is used in a lot the Destination Residences Hawaii branding and symbolizes light and celebration. It's also the leaf from the Official State Tree of Hawaii.
The end collaborative result, is a design we’re proud of and that reflects the values of two brands and an incredible place we call home, HAWAII.
On Saturday May 12th you’ll see our friends from Destination Residences Hawaii wearing shirts with this design. They hope to not only raise lots of money but take this simple message of Kākou and to inspire and bring awareness long after the walk is over.
We encourage you to take part in the WALK!
No matter what kinds of events and activities you like to participate in, you should have this one on our calendar. And if you happen to be a hard charging 5k/10k/marathon and/or Spartan racer, this is exactly what you need on your competition calendar… That’s right, it’s time to slow the roll. Braddah, we’re gonna “talk story”, and catch up with neighbors and co-workers. We still promise endorphins and stokage, but in the form of . It’s time to catch up on how all the awesome charities on your island are benefiting our Ohana. Donate what you’re able to, but more importantly become an educated advocate and partner with these amazing non-profits and all the great things they’re doing.
The CHARITY WALK is a statewide event that occurs on Hawai`i Island, Kauai, Lanai, Maui, Molokai and Oahu in May. In 2017, 14,000 walkers raised over $2.27 million to help our local charities. In 1974 the Hawai`i Lodging & Tourism Association, formerly the Hawai`i Hotel Association, sponsored a charitable "Superwalk" to benefit one major charitable organization. In 1978, the Hawai`i Lodging & Tourism Association members voted to extend the reach of support offered by the Walk's fundraising capability. The Visitor Industry CHARITY WALK is the result of this decision. Since its inception in 1978, over $32 million has been raised and helped hundreds of local charities throughout the State.
When and where is the statewide Charity Walk?
The 40th Annual VISITOR INDUSTRY CHARITY WALK will take place on:
Saturday, May 5, 2018
Hotel Molokai at 7:00 am
Koele, Lanai Senior Center at 9:30 a.m
Saturday, May 12, 2018
Queen's Marketplace at 6:45 am for Runners and 7:00 am for Walkers
War Memorial Soccer Field at 7:00 am
Historic County Building at 7:00 am
Saturday, May 19, 2018
McCoy Pavilion (Ala Moana Beach Park) at 7:00 am
Who can participate in the statewide Charity Walk and how do I register?
ANYBODY CAN! You do not have to be a hotel employee, or a member of the Hawai'i Lodging & Tourism Association, or part of the visitor industry to participate. Invite your family, friends, neighbors, co workers, clients, schools, clubs, visitors/tourists ... to join us in a morning of fun, food, fabulous entertainment and a little exercise to help raise funds for Hawaii's local charities. All walkers on Oahu are required to have a minimum of $40 for adults and $25 for those under 18 years of age (regardless of age including infants); all walkers on Hawaii Island, and Maui are required to have a minimum of $35 for adults and $25 for those under 18 years of age (regardless of age including infants);
Who do I contact for more information on the Charity Walk?
The Hawai'i Lodging & Tourism Association
(808) 923-0407
Hawai'i Lodging & Tourism Association
(808) 923-0407
Waikoloa Beach Marriott
Bambi Lau, (808) 886-8128
HLTA Kauai Chapter
Jolene Ogle, (808) 652-8924
Maui Hotel & Lodging Association
(808) 244-8625
www.charitywalkhawaii.org & www.hawaiilodging.org
Fast Facts on the Statewide CHARITY WALK
Statewide Chair: Glenn Vergara, Waikiki Resort Hotel
To Benefit: Hawaii’s Non-Profit 501 (c)(3) Organizations Statewide (Monies raised on the island stay on that island)
Theme: A Tradition of Giving
Largest Amount Raised: $2.27 Million in 2017
Total Amount Raised: Over $32 million since 1978
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