Our CAN.demic
What’s the CAN.demic? It’s our next step in processing and adapting to the COVID-19 pandemic. With nearly four million infected and close to 300K deaths worldwide, we have to stay vigilant and continue to honor those we have lost. Here at home in Hawaii we've done an amazing job of working to defeat COVID-19. The fight is still on to protect our healthcare heroes, elderly, and our immunocompromised. We'll continue to stay home and stay safe.
We’ve all been forced into a new reality. Staying home, social distancing, reduction or elimination of our routines and hobbies. We've lost loved ones, income, connections to each other and threats to our most basic needs in life.
Life is on reset for all of us... It doesn’t matter who you are or what your socioeconomic background is, your life has been changed. Individually it means something different for all of us. It’s time to take a step back, evaluate the impact, and consider the landscape of “can’t” in our lives. The CAN.demic will be our version of this evaluation period. We’ll be launching this mini-campaign with shared experiences of people in our CAN. network. We’re calling these shared experiences "CAN.versations", hosted by Seth Womble. (remember CAN.topus)
We’ll be going live on Instagram with ambassadors, customers, friends, family, and staff. The topic… What has everyone been up to for last few weeks? We'll discuss pain and suffering, the joy of being with our ohana, the losses and gains of perspective, the gratitude, the fear, and the stoke for what’s next. And most importantly, how we’re going to attack the next chapter. We have partnered again with Seth Womble for this campaign. We have lined up list of “can’t” defeating athletes, musicians, leaders, business folks, and community advocates. He’ll be on an interview tear for the next few weeks. We hope you laugh, get perspective, get inspired, maybe even shed a tear with us… Because no matter what, we’re all in this together. Plus Apparel GIVEAWAYS!
Please tune-in for this epic interview series. @spiritofCAN
As part of the "CAN.demic" we'll continue with giveaways, push you to write down your goals, and encourage you to always "ASK for HELP" along the way!
We are also launching a new charity tee in collaboration with Give Kauai Hope. Our last t-shirt “ CAN. Defeat COVID-19” helped support (PPE) Personal Protective Equipment for the local hospital on Kauai. We have updated the Design to the CAN.demic Hawaii. Proceeds from this shirt will go towards the hospital’s tele-health program, which includes support for behavioral health patients who are in crisis.
I’m a big fan of your products. I know you’re probably thinking “not one of these kids again” and I just want to apologize beforehand. But I was wondering if you would be able to send me any extra stickers or other extra promotional product that you have lying around. I would be more than happy to stick them on my water bottle or laptop to support your brand or give them to friends. Thank you so much for your time, I really appreciate it.
If it is possible please ship to,
Nicole Illarionov
182 e Montana ave Glendale heights, IL 60139
Thank you again,
Nicole Illarionov
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