Resilience on Kaua'i?

We recently started a partnership with the Kaua'i Resilience Project. This post is about the project, our support, and to invite you to attend a FREE launch event on May 14th. This project is so important we’re including a chance to win CAN. gear if you sign-up and attend the event!
Event RSVP and Contest details bottom of page!
There is a quiet crisis among our island youth. 9% of Kaua`i high school students attempted suicide last year. 28% of our young people reported feeling sad or worthless for extended periods of time.
If you or someone you know needs help, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 or text Aloha to 741741
"We want to change that." - Mason Chock, Kaua'i County Councilman / Chair of Kaua'i Resilience Project
The Kaua`i Resilience Project is a bold community initiative to build our young people’s ability to overcome adversity and successfully navigate life’s challenges so they can lead enriched, fulfilled and purposeful lives. Through researching the needs of our teens on Kaua'i and learning from experts how to approach this crisis, The Kaua'i Resilience Project was launched. They will utilize a model from the Search Institute called the "40 factors of resilience."
They're asking us to learn about these factors and to "challenge yourself to take one action, every day, for one young person in your life. You CAN. make a difference"
Life on Kaua`i is hard sometimes. Breakups. Anxiety. Bullies on social media. A crowded home. No car. Nothing to do. Things aren’t the way you want them to be.
"You may not feel like it now, but you have more power over your life than you think."
Resilience Defined:
re·sil·ience | \ ri-ˈzil-yən(t)s
1: the capability of a strained body to recover its size and shape after deformation caused especially by compressive stress
2: an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change\
3. Spirit of CAN. definition – the ability to overcome “can’t” AKA “no can”
The Spirit of CAN. team wants to create a habit of in-person connections, specifically to create a tighter more connected community. We especially want to see new friends being made and old ones reconnecting. Let's not forget the magic of meeting someone new... You end up brighten someones day and your own, with just a little shared Aloha. This is going to be our first initiative to support the Kauai Resilience Project. The “how” will be in the form contests with the community and also messaging about the Kaua'i Resilience Project.
"#KauaiCAN Contest" details:
Contest rules:
1. Sign up and attend the Kaua'i Resilience Project FREE Launch event (detail below) Sign up here
2. Post the pic of your confirmation to your Instagram account, tag us and two friends and use #KauaiCAN
If no Instagram, email us a pic of your confirmation to info@spiritofcan In the subject please add “Kaua’i CAN”
Three winners will be randomly selected on Happy Aloha Friday May 17th drawing, live on Instagram (we'll contact ya if ya miss broadcast). Winners will receive there choice of one CAN. shirt and a sticker from the brand new “Kaua'i CAN. collection.” This new collection is exclusive to Deja Vu Surf Hawai'i, dropping in their Kapa'a and Kukui Grove locations on Saturday May 18th. Winners will be contacted via social media or email and provided a promo code to use at Deja Vu Surf Hawai’i, locations (while supplies last).
Kaua'i Resilience Project Launch event details:
The Kaua'i Resilience Project will be hosting launch event on May 14, 3:30pm - 6:00pm pm. War Memorial Convention Hall in Lihue, on Kaua'i.
Sign up here
If you're interested in learning more about the Kaua'i Resilience Project please email
Sounds like an incredible project! Wish we could be there in person to support!
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