What's your 2018 whiteboard material?

It’s that time of the year when we have to set resolutions, but also have some healthy reflection. Our first year of business has not been all rainbows and sunsets. We've had a range of ups and downs. We've failed on many occasions and also been disrespected along the way. Compassion is not exactly a core principal practiced in the real business world. We've been kicked out of stores without explanation and even mocked. As a positive Hawaii style clothing brand, we have to walk the walk. We have to Believe in the Spirit of CAN. We have to ask for help from friends and family. We have to make an effort to pick ourselves up when put down by our own minds others.
Our white board process:
Step one - It’s time to let go of the past and the “no can”. If you’re struggling with your mind or you've made some mistakes in 2017; relationships, work, health, other, just stop hating on yourself. Try to forgive yourself and let it go. If someone has disrespected you, let it go or leverage it. Apologize to others, make amends, and just forgive yourself. If you’re unable to do this with clarity, don’t wait and don’t hate (on yourself). Ask for help from a family member, friend, or therapist. Nobody does life alone.
Step two- Leverage those negative experiences, self doubt and haters, by creating a white board. Whiteboard material is that little bit of extra fuel you need. It’s that chip others place on your shoulder. Coaches, athletes, and performers use negative experiences as motivation to push through to goal achievement. They write down quotes said about them in the press, losses they’ve experienced, or just self-doubt. Michael Jordan was famous for leveraging doubter’s judgements on him, to later prove people wrong and achieve his ultimate goals.
Judgement is painful to deal with, especially when it’s negative and without consideration. It’s also one of the most powerful fuels available to propel us towards goal achievement. A goal or mission should always be something you’re focused on because of your own personal passions and dreams. Your reasons for sacrifice and hard work, should be to satisfy you personally and not others. However, when you’re charging towards that goal, sometimes you’ll have doubters. You might even doubt yourself at times. We call these people “no can”. They don’t believe, and they don’t understand how and why you believe in yourself and your CAN. Sometimes their “no can” is expressed by judging others’ lives. They’ll make an effort to blow out your candle and takeaway your passion. These negative people and experiences are just high-octane fuel to stoke your fire. Overcoming these negative experiences and people will eventually become icing on your accomplishment cake. Remember, you’re not going to achieve some epic goal without clarity, balance, and true passion. Accomplishing a goal or making progress in your mission isn’t about spiking a ball in someone’s face. But, when that shade gets thrown your way, and you experience hurt feelings for a brief moment, and “no can” tries to creep into your mind. You have to strike through it, “no CAN.” It’s just great whiteboard material. Don't spend too much time wondering why this negative energy has arrived at your doorstep. Just get ready to prove them wrong. It’s not for you to sort out, it’s someone else’s negative department. Make a mental note of that negative judgement or smartass comment. Remember what you’re trying to accomplish isn’t easy, you’ll naturally have doubters.
Tell a human with resolve that something can’t be done. Constantly tell them it’s impossible. And then, watch magic and miracles be performed. If you embrace your #SpiritofCAN with resolve, those judgments just become fuel to your fire. You’ll flinch a little when disrespected. Then, pull out your mental CAN. whiteboard and make a note.
Believe in the Spirit of CAN.
Fast forward to 2020 - Bet he wishes he left the apparel in his store longer than a week.
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